Redefining Technology

Our Product Suite

We offer a wide range of products that enable value creation using AI

SaaS Architecture

We empower the pay-as-you-go model for ease of use

Clean UI/UX

AI products don't really have to be difficult to use

Seamless Integration

Our products integrate easily with other on-prem tools

Human Support

We ensure your success while using our products

Atomic AI

Atomic AI

We jokingly call Atomic AI, the easiest AI. This is a no-code platform that helps you build robust AI models by using a drag-and-drop style interface. You just drop your data and let us worry about everything else

  • No-Code end-to-end model training platform
  • Perform various ML training experiments
  • Headless training and quick inferencing
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ACMO stands for AI based Chief Marketing Officer. ACMO helps you do automatic marketing for your business. Reduce the human element in performance marketing and let ACMO do the heavy lifting

  • Generative AI based social media post creation
  • Automatically create social media strategies
  • Sentiment analysis on social media users
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Atomic GPT

Atomic GPT

Use the power of LLMs for creating efficient public outreach campaigns. Make sense of the available datasets to ensure maximum relevance in user messaging and communication strategies

  • Data cluster driven user specific marketing
  • Schedule Email, Text, WhatsApp campaigns
  • Intent classification for response analytics
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